my favorite snack lately
perut gw bener2 ga bisa menahan pesona kacang deh hahahaha.. tapi tetep ga boleh makan kebanyakan :p kacang yang gw suka, selain almond adalah MACADAMIA dan Brazil NUT .. enakk.. dua2nya rasanya hampir sama. selain gede, rasa keduanya beda dari kacang lain... guruh dan bikin ketagihan :D
Hasil pencarian gw bersama om google,
A native of NE Australia now also grown commercially in Hawaii. Notoriously difficult to extract from their shells, they are expensive but have a delicious creamy flavour and crunchy texture. Low in carbohydrate, but quite high in fat (T_____T), 100g Macadamia nuts contain 7g protein and 40mg calcium.
Brazil nuts have about 2,500 times as much selenium as any other nut. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant which has been proven to protect against heart disease and cancers like prostate cancer.
Brazil nuts high selenium content also discourages the ageing process and stimulates the immune system. In a study of patients with early Alzheimers disease, antioxidants - including selenium - boosted mood and mental performance. Like all nuts, brazil nuts are an excellent source of protein and fiber. Brazil nuts are high in minerals including zinc and magnesium, and contain useful amounts of phosphorous, copper and iron.
Like all nuts, Brazil Nuts are high in calories and fat. HIKS (T________T)
ahhh bodo.. yang penting gw suka wakakakakak daripada ngemil chiki :p ah satu lagi kacang yang bikin gw tergila2, terngidam2.......... saos kacang di shabu tei :D uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumai
hmmm.. boleh ga ya ke shabu tei cuma makan nasi pake saus kacang nya doang ???? wkkkwk hihihii
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